姓 名 |
高建兵 |
职 称 |
准聘教授 |
√博导 √硕导 |
学院及专业 |
机械与车辆学院 动力工程及工程热物理 |
办公地址 |
叶轮机械与增压技术研究所204 |
邮 编 |
10081 |
办公电话 |
+86(0)18801470936 |
邮 件 |
gaojianbing@bit.edu.cn/ 6120210208@bit.edu.cn redonggaojianbing@163.com |
研究方向 |
旋转对置活塞发动机(压燃式、点燃式)燃烧、性能的研究 清洁燃料于旋转对置活塞发动机的应用 内燃机颗粒物的理化特性、内燃机排放控制 高效后处理器开发(后处理器热管理、后处理器改装) |
学习及工作经历 |
全职工作经历: 2022.10-至今 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院 准聘教授/特立青年学者 博导/硕导 2021.09-2022.09 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院 特别研究员/预聘副教授 博导/硕导 2019.01-2021.08 英国利兹大学 交通工程系 研究员 2017.10-2018.12 英国萨里大学 车辆工程系 研究员 兼职工作经历: 2022.01-至今 北京市产品质量监督检查研究院 汽车检测中心 技术顾问 2021.10-至今 康跃科技有限公司 技术顾问 2019.03-2019.12 英国萨里大学 车辆工程系 兼职研究员 2019.01-2021.08 英国利兹大学 交通工程系 兼职项目副经理 2018.04-2018.06 英国萨里大学 车辆工程系 兼职硕士研究生助教 教育经历: 2012.09-2017.07 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院 硕博连读 2008.09-2012.07 北京工业大学 环境与能源工程学院 学士
科研项目 |
国防KGJ基础产品创新科研项目,“XXXX活塞发动机关键技术研究”,主持,在研 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于碳烟基本粒子纳观结构演变的DPF滤芯颗粒层氧化模型构建研究”,主持,在研 JKW创新特区项目课题,“XXXX发动机驱动机构与热力循环耦合设计技术研究”,主持,在研 海南省环境科学研究院,“海南省新能源汽车推广环境效应评估”,主持,在研 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,“基于颗粒聚集物单元氧化规律的 DPF 再生模型构建的研究”,主持,在研 北京理工大学 “特立青年学者”人才支持计划项目,“旋转对置活塞发动机燃烧室形状与喷油系统的优化”,主持,在研 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室开放基金(300102222509),“生物柴油颗粒物氧化特性与多参数相关性”,主持,在研 北京理工大学高价值专利支持项目,主持,结题 河北省科技厅, 河北省科技计划项目资助, 低温等离子体与催化剂协同脱除柴油机排气微粒及NOx后处理器的开发, 2015-01至2016-12,参研,已结题 |
学术兼职 |
Chemosphere (SCI, 中科院顶级期刊, ISSN: 0045-6535),客座编辑 (leading) Environmental Research (SCI, 中科院顶级期刊, ISSN: 0013-9351),客座编辑 (leading) Processes (SCI, 三区, ISSN: 2227-9717),客座编辑 (leading) Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI, 四区,ISSN: 1687-8132),客座编辑 (leading) Energies(SCI, 三区, ISSN: 1996-1073),客座编辑 Sustainability(SCI,三区,ISSN:2071-1050),客座编辑 Frontier in Mechanical Engineering: Engine and Automotive Engineering, 编辑 Energies(SCI, 三区, IF: 3.003, ISSN: 1996-1073),编委
全国博士学位论文抽检评审专家;教育部博士学位论文评审专家;北京市科技项目评审专家;中国内燃机学会设计与智能制造分会副秘书长;中国内燃机学会会员;中国汽车工程学会; 英国华人汽车工程师协会会员; UK Universities Internal Combustion Engines Group (UnICEG); ACS 会员
2021年,7th Edition of International Conference on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 大 会主持人,Tokyo, Japa 2022年,中国内燃机学会设计与智能制造分会2022学术年会分论坛主持人,上海 |
代表性学术论文 |
近年来,发表SCI论文70余篇,其中高被引论文5篇。 ResearchGate网址:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianbing-Gao Google scholar网址:https://sc.panda321.com/citations?user=KtzQjoYAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=ao 部分SCI期刊论文: [1] Junfeng Huang#, Shanshan Wang#, Jianbing Gao*, Yufeng Wang, Chaochen Ma, Guohong Tian, Haibo Chen. Insight into the effect of catalytic reactions on correlations of soot oxidation activity and microspatial structures. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 327: 121540. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:9.988) [2] Xiaochen Wang, Wei-Hsin Chen, Yuhan Huang, Jianbing Gao*. Advances in soot particles from gasoline direct injection engines: A focus on physical and chemical characterization. Chemosphere, 2023, 311: 137181. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.943) [3] Junfeng Huang, Jianbing Gao*, Yufeng Wang, Ce Yang, Chaochen Ma. Real-world pipe-out emissions from gasoline direct injection passenger cars. Processes, 2023, 11(1): 66 (SCI, JCR 3区, IF:3.352) [4] Junfeng Huang, Jianbing Gao*, Yufeng Wang, et al. Effect of asymmetric fuel injection on combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of a hydrogen opposed rotary piston engine. Energy, 2023, 206: 125544. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.634) [5] Junfeng Huang, Jianbing Gao*, Yufeng Wang, et al. Insight into the penalty of exhaust emissions and fuel consumption by DPF regeneration of a diesel passenger car. Chemosphere, 2022, 309: 136629. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.943) [6] Junfeng Huang, Jianbing Gao*, Ce Yang, et al. The effect of ignition timing on the emission and combustion characteristics for a hydrogen fuelled ORP engine at lean-burn conditions. Processes, 2022,10: 1534 (SCI, JCR 3区, IF:3.352) [7] Gao Jianbing, Wang Yufeng, Wang Shanshan*, et al. Effect of catalytic reactions on soot feature evolutions in oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 443: 136392. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:16.744) [8] Gao Jianbing, Huang Junfeng, Li Xiaopan, et al. Challenges of the UK government and industries regarding emission control after ICE vehicle bans. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 835: 155406. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:10.753) [9] Gao Jianbing, Li Xiaopan, Li Juxia, et al. Changes of diesel particle diameter and surface area distributions by non-thermal plasma. Chemosphere, 2022, 300: 134533. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.943) [10] Gao Jianbing, Wang Yufeng, Li Xiaopan, et al. Catalytic effect of diesel PM derived ash on PM oxidation activity. Chemosphere, 2022, 299: 134445. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.943) [11] Gao Jianbing, Zhang Huijie, Li Juxia, et al. Simulation on the effect of compression ratios on the performance of a hydrogen fueled opposed rotary piston engine. Renewable Energy, 2022, 187: 428-439. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.634) [12] Gao Jianbing*, Wang Yufeng, Chen Haibo, et al. Variations of significant contribution regions of NOx and PN emissions for passenger cars in the real-world driving. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424: 127590 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 14.224) [13] Gao Jianbing, Wang Xiaochen, Song Panpan*, et al. Review of the backfire occurrences and control strategies for port hydrogen injection internal combustion engines. Fuel, 2022, 307: 121553. (SCI, ESI高被引,顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [14] Gao Jianbing*, Wang Xiaochen, Tian Guohong, et al. Effect of hydrogen direct injection strategies and ignition timing on hydrogen diffusion, energy distributions and NOx emissions from an opposed rotary piston engine. Fuel, 2021, 306: 121656. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [15] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo, Liu Ye, et al. Impacts of De-NOx system layouts of a diesel passenger car on exhaust emission factors and monetary penalty. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021, 9(12): 2268-2280 (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区, IF:4.035) [16] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong, Ma Chaochen, et al. Simulation of the impacts on a direct hydrogen injection opposed rotary piston engine performance by the injection strategies and equivalence ratios. Renewable Energy, 2021, 179: 1204-1216. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.634) [17] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo, Liu Ye, et al. Comparison of NOx and PN emissions between Euro 6 petrol and diesel passenger cars under real-world driving conditions. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 801: 149789. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:10.753) [18] Li Juxia, Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong, et al. An effective approach of dropping the backfire possibilities of a hydrogen fuelled opposed rotary piston engine. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区, IF:4.035) [19] Chen Junyan, Chen Haibo, Gao Jianbing*, et al. Business models and cost analysis of automated valet parking and shared autonomous vehicles assisted by internet of things. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2021. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 3区, IF: 1.828) [20] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Ma Chaochen, et al. Performance explorations of a naturally aspirated opposed rotary piston engine fuelled with hydrogen under part load and stoichiometric conditions using a numerical simulation approach. Energy, 2021,222: 120003. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.857) [21] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong, Ma Chaochen, et al. Explorations of the impacts on a hydrogen fuelled opposed rotary piston engine performance by ignition timing under part load conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 7.139) [22] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo*, Ye Liu, et al. The effect of after-treatment techniques on the correlations between driving behaviours and NOx emissions of a passenger car. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 288: 125647 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:11.072) [23] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Ma Chaochen, et al. Three-dimensional numerical simulations on the effect of ignition timing on combustion characteristics, NOx emissions, and energy loss of a hydrogen fuelled opposed rotary piston engine over wide open throttle conditions. Fuel, 2021, 288: 119722 (SCI, ESI高被引,顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [24] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Ma Chaochen, et al. Numerical simulation on lean-burn characteristics of a naturally aspirated opposed rotary piston engine fuelled with hydrogen at wide open throttle conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 285: 124887 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:11.072) [25] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Ma Chaochen, et al. Lean-burn characteristics of a turbocharged opposed rotary piston engine fuelled with hydrogen at low engine speed conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 1219-1233 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 7.139) [26] Gao Jianbing*, Ma Chaochen, Tian Guohong*, et al. Numerical investigations of an opposed rotary piston expander for the purpose of the applications to a small-scale Rankine cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 182: 116157 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 6.465) [27] Gao Jianbing, Xing Shikai*, Tian Guohong*, et al. Numerical simulation on the combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a turbocharged opposed rotary piston engine fuelled with hydrogen under wide open throttle conditions. Fuel, 2021, 285: 119210. (SCI, ESI高被引,顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [28] Xing Shikai, Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong, et al. Preliminary Investigations of an Opposed Rotary Piston Compressor for the Air Feeding of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell System. ACS Omega, 2020, 38(5): 24733–24745. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 3区, IF: 4.132) [29] Chen Junyan, Chen Haibo*, Gao Jianbing*, et al. A business model and cost analysis of automated platoon vehicles assisted by the Internet of things. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020: 0954407020949726. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 3区, IF: 1.828) [30] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Ma Chaochen, et al. Three-dimensional numerical investigations of combustion and emissions characteristics of a novel small scale opposed rotary piston engine fuelled with hydrogen at wide open throttle conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020: 113178. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:11.533) [31] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo*, Chen Junyan, et al. Driving behaviours analysis of truck drivers using motorway tests. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2020. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 3区, IF: 1.828) [32] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Phil Jenner, et al, et al. Intake characteristics and pump loss in the intake stroke of a novel small scale opposed rotary piston engine. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020: 121180. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:11.072) [33] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo*, Dave Kaushali, et al. Fuel economy and exhaust emissions of a diesel vehicle under real traffic conditions. Energy Science & Engineering, 2020, 8(5): 1781-1792. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区,IF:4.035) [34] Gao, Jianbing*, Guohong Tian*, Phil Jenner, et al. Preliminary explorations of the performance of a novel small scale opposed rotary piston engine. Energy, 2020: 116402. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:8.857). [35] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong*, Aldo Sorniotti. On the emission reduction through the application of an electrically heated catalyst to a diesel vehicle. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7(6): 2383-2397. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区,IF:4.035) [36] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo, Tian Guohong, Ma Chaochen*, et al. Oxidation kinetic analysis of diesel particulate matter using single- and multi-stage methods. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(7): 6809-6816. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 2区, IF:4.654) [37] Gao Jianbing*, Chen Haibo*, Li Ying, et al. Fuel consumption and exhaust emissions of diesel vehicles in worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycles and their sensitivities to eco-driving factors. Energy conversion and management, 2019, 196: 605-613 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:11.533) [38] Gao Jianbing, Chen Haibo*, Chen Junyan, Ma Chaochen*, et al. Explorations on the continuous oxidation kinetics of diesel PM from heavy-duty vehicles using a single ramp rate method. Fuel, 2019, 248: 254-257 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [39] Gao Jianbing, Chen Haibo*, Ma Chaochen*, et al. An analysis of energy flow in a turbocharged diesel engine of a heavy truck and potentials of improving fuel economy and reducing exhaust emissions. Energy conversion and management, 2019, 184: 456-465 (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF:11.533) [40] Gao Jianbing, Tian Guohong*, Aldo Sorniotti, et al. Review of thermal management of catalytic converters to decrease engine emissions during cold start and warm up. Applied thermal engineering, 2019, 147: 177-187. (SCI, ESI高被引, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 6.465) [41] Gao Jianbing*, Ma chaochen*, Tian Guohong, et al. Oxidation activity restoration of diesel particulate matter by aging in air. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32: 2450-2457. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 2区, IF:4.654) [42] Gao Jianbing*, Tian Guohong, Ma Chaochen*, et al. Physicochemical property changes during oxidation process for diesel PM sampled at different tailpipe positions. Fuel, 2018, 219: 62-68. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [43] Gao Jianbing*, Ma Chaochen, Xing Shikai, et al. A review of fundamental factors affecting diesel PM oxidation behaviors. Science China Technological Sciences, 2018, 61: 330-345. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区, IF: 4.7). [44] Gao Jianbing, Ma Chaochen*, Xing Shikai, et al. Oxidation behaviours of particulate matter emitted by a diesel engine equipped with a NTP device. Applied thermal engineering, 2017, 119:593-602. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 6.465). [45] Gao Jianbing, Ma Chaochen*, Xing Shikai, et al. Nanostructure analysis of particulate matter emitted by a diesel engine equipped with a NTP reactor. Fuel, 2017, 192: 35-44. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [46] Gao Jianbing, Ma Chaochen*, Xia Fei, et al. Raman characteristics of PM emitted by a diesel engine equipped with a NTP reactor. Fuel, 2016, 185: 289-297. (SCI, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 8.035) [47] Ma Chaochen*, Gao Jianbing, Zhong Lei, et al. Experimental investigation of the oxidation behaviour and thermal kinetics of diesel particulate matter with non-thermal plasma. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99: 1110-1118. (SCI, ESI高被引, 顶级期刊, JCR 1区, IF: 6.465, 导师一作) [48] Gao Jianbing, Ma Chaochen*, Xing Shikai, et al. Particle-and gas-phase PAHs toxicity equivalency quantity emitted by a non-road diesel engine with non-thermal plasma technology. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 20017-20026. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区, IF: 5.190) [49] Gao Jianbing, Ma Chaochen*, Xing Shikai, et al. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions of non-road diesel engine treated with non-thermal plasma technology. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 33: 3425-3433. (SCI, 重要期刊, JCR 2区, IF: 3.146) 中文期刊: [1] 王余枫, 高建兵, 黄俊峰, 等. 旋转对置活塞发动机运动学特性研究. 北京理工大学学报,2023. [2] 高建兵,马朝臣*,邢世凯,等. 装有NTP装置的柴油机排放的颗粒物的热重特性. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2017, 7: 125-130. (EI) [3] 高建兵,马朝臣*,邢世凯,等. 装有等离子体装置的柴油机颗粒物的氧化特性. 北京理工大学学报, 2017, 37: 446-450. (EI) [4] 高建兵,马朝臣*,邢世凯,等. 经过预处理后柴油机颗粒物氧化活性的变化. 北京理工大学学报, 2017, 37: 913-918. (EI) [5] 马朝臣*,高建兵,仲蕾,等. 经过低温等离子体后柴油机颗粒物氧化反应机理函数的确定. 内燃机工程. 2017, 38: 97-101 (核心期刊, 导师一作) [6] 马朝臣*,高建兵,杨文芳,等. 低温等离子体净化尾气中的颗粒相多环芳烃, 环境工程学报, 2017, 11: 392-397.(核心期刊, 导师一作) [7] 邢世凯,马朝臣,胡辽平,潘航宇,高建兵. 蜗壳周向流动非均匀性对可调向心涡轮性能的影响. 内燃机学报, 2015 (3): 265-271. [8] 邢世凯,李聚霞,马朝臣,高建兵. 新型可调向心涡轮增压器导叶调节机构设计. 内燃机学报, 2018, 36(2): 166-172. [9] 邢世凯,马朝臣,高建兵. 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器与柴油机匹配的数值模拟. 内燃机工程, 2016, 37(3): 139-143. 会议论文: [1] 王余枫,高建兵*,等. 旋转对置活塞发动机运动学特性研究. 中国内燃机学会设计与智能制造学术年会. 2023.10,十堰 [2] 黄俊峰,高建兵*,等. 类排气条件下碳烟氧化过程孔结构演变规律研究. 内燃机碳中和与排放控制学术年会. 2023.08,无锡 [3] Huang Liyong, Ma Chaochen*, Li Yanzhao, Gao Jianbing et al. Improved Heat Transfer Correction Method for Turbocharger Compressor Performance Measurements. January 2019 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 470:012002. [4] Gao Jianbing, Chen Haibo*, Chen Junyan, Kaushali Dave, et al. A New Simulation Approach of Estimating the Real-World Vehicle Performance. SAE Technical Conference, 2020. [5] Gao Jianbing, Kaushali Dave, Haibo Chen*, et al. An approach for scaling up vehicle fuel and exhaust emission reduction across European motorways. European ITS Congress, 2020. [6] Xu Na, Ma Chaochen*, Gao Jianbing, et al. A Test Bench for the Turbocharger Fatigue Life Based on the Self-Circulation. SAE Technical Conference, 2015. [7] 马朝臣*,高建兵,杨文芳,等. NTP对柴油机尾气中多环芳香烃的作用. 燃烧节能净化分会2013年学术年会. (导师一作) [8] 马朝臣*,高建兵,徐娜,等. 增压汽油机空气涡轮再冷的仿真模拟. 中国内燃机学会2013年学术年会暨油品与清洁燃料分会和山西省内燃机学会联合学术年会. (导师一作) 英文著作: Gao Jianbing, Liu Ye*. Particles from compression and spark ignition engines//Petrodiesel Fuels. 2021 Gao Jianbing, Tian Guohong*. Physico-chemical Properties of Diesel Exhaust Particulates//Engine Exhaust Particulates. Springer, Singapore, 2019: 121-137. 专利: 高建兵,王余枫,等. 一种旋转对置活塞发动机活塞及轴系冷却系统. 中国发明专利 高建兵,王余枫,等. 一种旋转对置活塞发动机可拆卸冷却缸体. 中国发明专利 高建兵,黄俊峰,等. 一种模拟柴油机颗粒物制备装置. 中国发明专利 Gao Jianbing, et al. Biaxial supporting device for rotary opposed piston engine. 美国发明专利 高建兵, 马朝臣, 等. 一种旋转对置活塞发动机动力输出装置. 中国发明专利 高建兵,王余枫,等. 一种旋转对置活塞发动机双轴支撑方法. 中国发明专利 高建兵,王余枫,等. 一种旋转对置活塞发动机齿圈动力输出装置. 中国发明专利 高建兵,王余枫,等. 一种旋转对置活塞发动机同心双轴连接装置. 中国发明专利,授权 高建兵, 马朝臣. 一种点燃式缸内直喷旋转对置活塞发动机. 中国发明专利,授权 邢世凯, 马朝臣, 李聚霞, 高建兵. 柴油机尾气低温等离子体辅助催化转化净化装置. 授权 邢世凯, 高建兵, 马朝臣, 李聚霞. 一种动态电加热催化器柴油机后处理装置. 授权 邢世凯, 高建兵, 马朝臣, 李聚霞. 一种低温等离子体协同颗粒捕集器的柴油机后处理装置. 授权 |
成果及荣誉 |
2022年,入选全球前2%顶尖科学家(斯坦福大学,2022年度科学影响力排行榜) 2022年,北京理工大学“特立青年学者”,北京理工大学 2022年,“源创杯”颠覆性技术创新创意大赛优胜奖(中部赛区),军科委,1/3 2021年,国际会议优秀口头报告,Magnus Group Conference and Organizing Committee, 加拿大 2020年,英国利兹大学优秀研究员,利兹大学 2018年,首届中国内燃机学会优秀博士学位论文,中国内燃机学会 2017年,北京市优秀毕业生,北京市 2012年,全国大学生节能减排大赛二等奖,教育部,1/5 |