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1. A function-based computational method for design concept evaluation; Advanced Engineering Informatics;2017(32):237-247; Jia Hao*, Qiangfu Zhao, Yan Yan.

2. A Review of Tacit Knowledge: Current Situation and the Direction to Go; International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering; 27(5): 727-748; Jia Hao*, Qiangfu Zhao, Yan Yan, Guoxin Wang.

3. An evolutionary computation based method for creative design inspiration generation; Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing; 30(4): 1673-1691;Jia Hao*, Yongjia Zhou, Qiangfu Zhao, Qing Xue.

4. Characterizing the EEG Features of Inspiring Designers with Functional Terms; International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction; 10901: 371-381; Qian Zhang, Jia Hao*, Qing Xue, Yu Yan.

5. Exploring the Impact of Functional Terms in Idea Generation in Design;International Conference on Computer in Engineering; 2018(12):1-13; Jia Hao*, Lu Wang, Ji Han, Dirk Schaefer.

6. Evolutionary Neural Network-based Method for Constructing Surrogate Model with Small Scattered Dataset and Monotonicity Experience;International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence2018(5):43-38.Jia Hao*, Wenbin Ye, Guoxin Wang, Liangyue Jia.

7. A rule-based method for automated surrogate model selection;Advanced Engineering Informatics2020:45:101123; Liangyue Jia, Reza Alizadeh, Jia Hao*, Mistree Farrokh.

8. Design optimization by integrating limited simulation data and shape engineering knowledge with Bayesian optimization (BO-DK4DO); Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing; 2020, Jia Hao*, Mengying Zhou, Guoxin Wang.

9. Wang R, Wang G, Yan Y, et al. Ontology-based representation of meta-design in designing decision w orkflows[J]. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2019, 19(1): 011003-19

10. Wang R, Nellippallil A B, Wang G, Yan Y, et al., Ontology-based uncertainty management approach in designing of robust decision workflows[J]. Journal of Engineering Design, 2019, 30: 726-757.

11. Li P, Ren Y, Yan Y, et al. Intelligent product-gene acquisition method based on K-means clustering and mutual information-based feature selection algorithm[J]. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing, 2019, 33(4): 469-483.

12. Ming Z, Nellippallil A B, Yan Y, et al. PDSIDES—a knowledge-based platform for decision support in the design of engineering systems[J]. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2018, 18(4): 041001-14.

13. Ming Z, Wang G, Yan Y, et al. Ontology-based representation of design decision hierarchies[J]. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2018, 18(1): 011001-12.

14. Wang R, Nellippallil A B, Wang G, Yan Y, et al. Systematic design space exploration using a template-based ontological method. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2018, 36: 163-177.

15. Ming Z, Zeng C, Wang G, Yan Y, et al. Ontology-based module selection in the design of reconfigurable machine tools [J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018, 1-17. DOI: 0.1007/s10845-018-1446-3

16. Huang S, Wang G, Shang X, Yan Y. Reconfiguration point decision method based on dynamic complexity for reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) [J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018, 29(5): 1031-43.

17. Ming Z, Wang G, Yan Y, et al. An ontology for reusable and executable decision templates[J]. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2017, 17(3): 031008-13.

18. Ming Z, Yan Y, Wang G, et al. Ontology-based executable design decision template representation and reuse [J]. AI EDAM - Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing, 2016, 30(4): 390-405.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上,多尺度产品基因驱动的设计过程与知识联动机制及方法研究,2014-2017

2. 国防基础科研,分布式智力资源驱动的XXXX创新设计技术,2010-2013

3. 北京市国际科技合作专项,人车协同与智能决策国际联合实验室建设,2019-2021


1. 国防科技进步奖一等奖(1,7)

2. 国防科技进步奖二等奖(4)

3. 国防科技进步奖三等奖(1)